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WSU students achieve their dreams through transformative giving »

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WSU students achieve their dreams through transformative giving »

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Our Wichita State University Foundation team is ready to help match your interests and priorities with opportunities to advance Wichita State. There are many ways individuals, organizations and foundations can get involved in Wichita State’s vision to create meaningful change in the lives of students and the communities they serve. Whether your passion is supporting an academic college, establishing a student scholarship or giving through your estate, our express加速器安卓版 can help find the right opportunity for you. Simply fill out our express加速器安卓版下载 so we can get to know you. Together, we can change our world through the power of education.

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Like so many, we continue to face pandemic-related challenges in our work and lives. Although we can’t be together in person, our team has remained positive as we visit by phone and remotely with our Shocker community.

Our top priority remains helping WSU students. We are doing that in two ways: through the Shockers Up Emergency Fund for Students and by providing need-based scholarships for each academic area. If you want to contribute to one of these student-focused funds, click the button below.

Our staff has returned to working in the Woodman Alumni Center building. Our reception area is available to receive documents, checks and other correspondence from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. For health and safety, we wear masks inside the building and have hand sanitizer available.

We miss face-to-face interactions with Shockers like you and look forward to a time very soon when that resumes. Until then, we will continue to connect with you by phone and remotely. Stay healthy and safe.


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Raised in gifts & pledges


In Scholarships & Fellowships Awarded


Students Received Scholarships

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“More than one-third of Wichita State students have a gap in the financial aid they’re receiving versus what they need to pay for tuition and fees. When you give philanthropically to Wichita State students, you are changing lives through the gift of a college education. It’s about changing the future for that student and the future generations of that student’s family and, ultimately, our greater community and society as a whole.”
— Sheelu Surender, director of financial aid at Wichita State


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A crowd of WSU Students
Wichita State Alumni Aadhar Jain poses with a model of the "Flying Taxi," an electric vertical takeoff and landing jet that his employer, Lilium, is developing.

With a degree from WSU, Aadhar Jain is helping to build the future

Keith Pickus returns to his first love

Keith Pickus
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